Hardening Software[]
- Disable scripting etc.
- DSOstop (outdated)
- HTAstop - http://www.nsclean.com/htastop.html
- NoScript - http://www.symantec.com/security_response/writeup.jsp?docid=2005-011610-5007-99
- Samurai HIPS - http://web.archive.org/20090729045040/www.geocities.com/spcs_inc/
- VBS defender - http://www.vb2java.com/
- WMP Scripting Fix - http://www.wilderssecurity.com/wmpscriptingfix.html
- WSH uninstaller - http://www.spywarewarrior.com/uiuc/resource2.htm#WSH-UN
- WSH Anti-Polymorphism Patch - http://www.diamondcs.com.au/index.php?page=patch1
Removal of services ,disable netbios over tcp/ip, hardening of TCP parimeters etc[]
- Bugoff - http://www.merijn.org/programs.php
- DCOMbobulator - http://www.grc.com/freeware/dcom.htm
- EBURGER Windows Security Utility - http://www.spywarewarrior.com/uiuc/resource2.htm
- Hardenit - http://www.sniff-em.com/hardenit.shtml
- Enough is Enough! - http://www.spywarewarrior.com/uiuc/resource6.htm
- Let's share (direct download) - http://www.grc.com/files/letshare.exe
- SafeXP - http://www.theorica.net/download.htm
- Security & Privacy Complete 3 - http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=93893
- Seconfig XP - http://seconfig.sytes.net/?cat=1
- SocketToMe and Socketlock - http://www.grc.com/dos/sockettome1.htm
- Secureit - http://www.sniff-em.com/secureit.shtml
- Shoot The Messenger - http://www.grc.com/stm/ShootTheMessenger.htm
- UnPlug n' Pray - http://www.grc.com/UnPnP/UnPnP.htm
- XPantispy - http://xp-antispy.org/
- XPdite - http://www.grc.com/xpdite/xpdite.htm
- Xpy (open source) - http://xpy.whyeye.org/
- Windows Worms Doors Cleaner - http://www.firewallleaktester.com/wwdc.htm
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